Amateur radio organizations that I am a member of, or was in the past:
Current Organizations

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for Amateur Radio in the US.
Lifetime member (as of 2023)

Colorado QRP Club
Colorado, US, International
The Colorado QRP Club, Inc. (CQC) was formed in January, 1994 for the purpose of promoting low power amateur radio in Colorado and around the world.
Member number 439
RV Radio Network
RV Radio Network (RVRN)
Member number 1595
Director, NOV23 to Present; Newsletter Editor, JUN23 to Present
The RVRN is for those with an interest in amateur radio and recreational vehicles.
Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) Amateur Radio Club (ARC)
The FMCA educates, equips, and empowers RV owners in their journey to creating, experiencing, and benefiting from the outdoor lifestyle they dream of and deserve.
The FMCA ARC enables members to use their recreational vehicles and radio equipment to enjoy the fellowship of friends with common interests, i.e. RVing and Amateur Radio. The Amateur Radio activities enables members to keep in contact on a daily basis from around the nation be it from their house or recreational vehicle.
Colorado Repeater Association (CRA)
2006-2007, 2020-Present
The CRA provides amateur repeater services throughout the Colorado Front Range.
Pikes Peak Radio Anateur Association (PPRAA)
Colorado Springs Region
The Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association (PPRAA) is an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Special Service Club located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The PPRAA is a social and technical membership organization providing educational and recreational activities for its members intended to further their knowledge in the art of radio communications..
PODXS 070 Club
Club for licensed amateur radio operators enjoying the PSK31 digital mode.
Member number 2732
Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA)
Amatuer Radio operators licensed for 25 years or more.
Member number 38709
Former Organizations
Garland Amateur Radio Club (GARC) - 1984-1990
E-Systems Amateur Radio Club (ESYARC)
Secretary, 198?
Onsite at the E-Systems , Garland plant located at the NE corner of Jupiter and Miller in Garland, TX. The ESYARC "shack" (a small building) and its antennas were located at the NE side of the baseball field (closest to the Jupiter and Miller intersection). E-Systems was bought-out by Raytheon in 1993. Sadly, the entire complex is no longer there having been demolitioned around 2017-2018.
No website (ever)
Alice Springs Amateur Radio Club (ASARC)
President, 2000-2001
Alice Springs, NT. Australia
No website any longer. WIA listing is at
Pueblo West Amatuer Radio Club (PWARC)
Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA)
The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) states that it is the oldest national radio society in the world having been established in 1910.
G-QRP Club
Club for ham radio operators us low-power - 5 watts or less.
Met Rev. George Dobbs, G3RJV (SK), when signing-up at the G-QRP booth at the 1989(?) Dallas, TX HamCon (when still living and working in the Dallas area before moving to Australia in APR90). The logo is the new one; am looking for a SPRAT copy for the original logo....
ASARC - Shack
The Alice Springs Amateur Radio Club (ASARC) Shack was/is located within a small normally locked room in the Connellan Aviation Museum. The club's Icom IC-751 was there for club members or licensed visitors to use. A Cushcraft A-3 Yagi was installed on top of the old Connellan hanger.
Photo by Dave Buckwalter, VK8CL (was VK8CL when in Australia; US call then was KC3CL, now is K3SK).
ASARC - Meeting
Terry Murphy, VK8TM, and the helm during the meeting. Terry now lives in Queensland.
Photo by Dave Buckwalter, VK8CL (was VK8CL when in Australia; US call then was KC3CL, now is K3SK).
ASARC - President
JJ Lambert, VK8JJ (VK8 call then and also WR5E when back in the US and now).
Photo by Dave Buckwalter, VK8CL (was VK8CL when in Australia; US call then was KC3CL, now is K3SK).